The Revival of Rosewood Manor

The Revival of Rosewood Manor

Situated on the fringes of Fairview, overlooking the cascading countryside and nestled among towering ancient oaks, stood Rosewood Manor. This Victorian-era relic had weathered time, seen better days, and housed many influential families. Yet, as the modern age took over, Rosewood fell into disrepair, becoming a forgotten testament to its former glory. Enter Clara, a […]

The Legends and Labyrinths of Luminous Lagoon

The Legends and Labyrinths of Luminous Lagoon

Nestled near the Nebulous Necklands, where waves weaved wonders and sunsets sang sagas, nestled the notorious “Luminous Lagoon”. Beyond a simple serene shore, it shimmered with shadows and the songs of sirens. Conceived during the Cycle of Celestial Celebrations by Luminary Luna Lightbringer, the Lagoon was a liminal land of lore and luminance. Each ripple […]